Dobrodošli v knjigi gostov Šolskih sester de Notre Dame
Vesele smo vašega mnenja, predlogov, prošnje za molitev in tudi samo pozdrava …
Dobrodošli v knjigi gostov Šolskih sester de Notre Dame
Vesele smo vašega mnenja, predlogov, prošnje za molitev in tudi samo pozdrava …
Hvaljen Jezus!
Najprej najlepša hvala za vse vaše delo na veroučni strani. Zelo veliko uporabnega za naše veroučence, ki delovne liste rešujejo z največjim veseljem. Bi imela pa samo eno vprašanje. S katerim programom oz. kako izdelate križanke (npr. sv. krst, sv. maša)? Odgovore sem ugotovila, da naredite s programom EclipseCrossword, vendar tako prijetnih na ogled, kot jih pa lahko z vašo pomočjo posredujem veroučencem, pa nisem ugotovila kako bi lahko naredila s tem programom. Najlepša hvala za vaš odgovor.
Veliko blagoslova še naprej!
Draga Simona,
imate prav: program je Eclipse Crossword, ostalo pa naredim v Wordu, tako da preoblikujem kvadratke v krogce in dodam sličice. Je malo zamudno, ampak rada ustvarjam in ko je enkrat narejeno, služi za več let. Zelo vesela sem, če pride prav tudi vam. Da se lahko preoblikuje kvadratke v krogce je treba križanko v zadnji fazi izdelave z EclipseCrosword shraniti kot .WMF formatu in jo kot tako vstaviti v Word. Sliši se zelo komplicirano, veliko lažje je pokazat, upam, da vam je vseeno tale razlaga v pomoč. Mogoče vam bo v tem času epidemije prišla prav tudi spletna stran (na TEJ POVEZAVI), kjer lahko papirnate učne liste spremenite v interaktivno obliko. Hvala vam za vaš komentar. Božjega varstva in vse dobro vam želim,
s. Alenka
Spoštovani! Pri idelavi rodbinskega rodovnika smo naleteli na več težav in neznank. Ena takih je tudi ime vaše pokojne sestre Kapušin Ludvine, po spominih naše sorodnice. V zgodovini vašega samostana in bivanja v Novem mestu jo omenjate tudi kot vir: (Moje življenje). Zanima nas, če je možno ta njen zapis prebrati in kje si ga je mogoče sposoditi. Ko bomo povezali vse domače pripovedi z njeno zgodbo, vam bomo z veseljem posredovali naše ugotovitve. Lep pozdrav! Marija Padovan
Hvala s. Slavki za prisrčne fotografije iz Albanije.
Vse dobro,
Marta iz Koštialove 36, Novo mesto
Hello Alenka! I want to thank you for all the hard work you share. I’m from Argentina and I’ve used your worksheets with students in different schools and cities and they love them! They love to paint them too! I first found your work in ESLprintables. And I needed to say thank you!! Thank you! God Bless you!
bi se dalo kje dobiti scenarij lutkovne predstave, ki ste jo imele na adventni pripravi
LP, Janko Rezar, žpk v Velenju
Hi! I just wanted to say that your website is absolutely fantastic! I appreciate the amount of work you’ve put into your resources. This is my first year as an official English teacher and it can be so difficult to find good resources. Keep up the fantastic work!
Zelo sem vesela, da sem odkrila vašo stran. Najmlajše poučujem verouk, zato so mi vaše ustvarjalne ideje v veliko pomoč.
I downloaded your book on how to make paper beads and I didn’t receive it could you email it to me please I’ve been having trouble with downloading lately time for a new computer thank you Darlene
Really nice site with nice activities, thanks a lot!!
Dober dan/večer,
sem začetnica v katehezi in razmišljam, kako bi prišla do delovnih listov, da bi popestrila veroučno uro in hkrati otrokom še bolj približala svetopisemske dogodke, Jezusove prilike, … Vesela bom, če mi lahko sporočite, kje lahko kupim delovne liste, morda plakate, ipd.
Hvala in lepo pozdravljeni.
Drage sestre
Hvala za vaše veroučne knjižice, otroci jih z veseljem uporabljajo in z njimi jim lažje približam Boga. Veliko blagoslova vam želim Darja
izredno sem hvaležna , da objavljate v veroučnem kotičku vse te knjižice in delovne liste, ki so za otroke zelo zanimive. Ali bi lahko objavile tudi knjižico za molitev Tebe ljubim Stvarnik moj.
Vse dobro!
🙂 I’m sorry to post in Thai language last week , I didn’t know that . I’m a teacher in Thailand and I’m Thai. Thank you very much for your kindness to do this website. It’s very useful for me and my students, almost , they are monks and novice. I hope you and your team are very well.
🙂 ขอขอบพระคุณทางคณะทีมงานที่ได้จัดทำเว็บไซต์นี้ขึ้นมาค่ะ เป็นประโยชน์มากค่ะ บางอันไม่มีเฉลยค่ะ พอดีได้สอนภาษาอังกฤษเสริม แต่ไม่ได้จบมาโดยตรง
Šolske sestre de Notre Dame
Povabljeni k ogledu zanimive oddaje Pot – i .
Ustanoviteljica, bl. Marija Terezija Gerhardinger je bila žena globoke vere, ki je vedno iskala BOŽJO VOLJO, si prizadevala za EDINOST v naši mednarodni skupnosti in odgovarjala na pereče POTREBE svojega časa, ko se je posebej posvečala UBOGIM in VZGAJALA s širokim pogledom na svet.
Na vašo željo, dragi gledalci, smo bili pri sestrah v Ljubljani, kjer je za vas pregovorila mag. s.Magda Burger.
Mir in dobro !
Dear Alenka,
I cannot be grateful enough for your fantastic, imaginative and spot on worksheets that you are willing to share with us. Thank you very much for your generosity. My little pupils love your crosswords!
Linda Meszlényi, teacher from Hungary
Hello S. Alenka,
I am the Director of Mission Advancement for the Atlantic-Midwest Province. Right now, I am here with Sr. Terezua in Baltimore, MD USA. 🙂 She is getting ready for 12 noon Mass.
Blessings to you & your good work,
Hi dear Leslie,
thank you so much for your greetings and comment. Really pleased to meet you here.
Greetings and best wishes to you both,
s. Alenka
Dear Alenka! You are brilliant! Thank you very much for sharing your great work. You make my days bright!
Great respect
Thank you for sharing your work with all of us. It is great. I am a teacher in Romania and we are all in love with minibooks because of you.
Well done, and thank you for your help
Spoštovane avtorice,
Vaše vaje za pouk angleščine so zanimive in uporabne, še posebej za nas, ki uporabljamo učbenike PROJECT. Želim vam še veliko ustvarjalnega navdiha.
S toplimi pozdravi,
Mojca Pipan
My name is Susanne Steiner and I’m an English teacher in Germany. I was a big fan of your English website “Funny English”. Unfortunately I’m not able to reach the website any more. Has it been moved? Is there any other possibility to get to the material? Thank you very much for you help!
Dear Susanne,
“Funny English” is being upgraded at the moment, but you can still find
it on:
Happy teaching!
Dear Alenka, thanks for letting me know! It’s a great site!
Best wishes, Mit freundlichen Grüßen
StRin (RS) Englisch/Geschichte
Staatliche Realschule Weißenburg
Dear Alenka
I wanted to thank you so much for your great work.
My pupils love your activities. So kind of you to share it with everyone.
Orly (Orly100 ESL member)
Dear Alenka!
I’m an English teacher and I need your help very much!
I found your page Funny English just at the beginning of December and I found it really useful, funny and interesting. I downloaded just some of the material and I can tell you, my students enjoyed them very much, especially the crosswords and a mini book. I got to like your exercises very soon, and as I use ’Poject’ books in my classes they were great help. But to my greatest regret about two weeks later the page disappeared from the net and I can’t find it anymore. Is it just temporary ? I hope so. But my request is that can you please share your fantastic exercises in some way???
I hope, YOU get my letter – or if someone else reads it, please forward it to the author of the English exercises-,and can answer very soon.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you
Best wishes
Judit Szilágyi, Hungary
Dear Judit, realy pleased if Funny English could be of any use for you and your student. At the moment the website is being upgraded. However you can still find it on:
Happy teaching and many blessings,
Dear Alenka!
Many-many thanks for answering so fast and giving good news about Funny English! I successfully found it on the new address and I will use the ’ to be past ’ mini book even tomorrow.
Thanks again for your fantastic ideas! I wish you strength and good health to go on working.
Best regards
This website is extremely helpful
Greetings from Turkey
🙂 I thank you very much for the downloaded material for my pupils with specific needs. It is extremely helpful and varied. I am very grateful to you. Greetings from Italy